
suomi-englanti sanakirja

commission|competition englanniksi

  1. A sending or mission (to do or accomplish something).

  2. An official charge or authority to do something, often used of military officers.

  3. (ux)

  4. (RQ:Shakespeare Richard 3)

  5. (RQ:Swift Gulliver) is an exact Inventory of what we found about the Body of the ''Man-Mountain'', who uſed us with great Civility, and due Reſpect to your Majefty's Commiſſion.

  6. The thing to be done as agent for another.

  7. A body or group of people, officially tasked with carrying out a particular function.

  8. (syn)

  9. (RQ:Prescott Philip 2)

  10. A fee charged by an agent or broker for carrying out a transaction.

  11. (hypo)

  12. {{quote-text|en|year=1935|author=G. K. Chesterton|title=The Scandal of Father Brown

  13. The act of committing (e.g. a crime or error).

  14. (ant)

  15. (RQ:South Twelve Sermons)

  16. To send or officially charge someone or some group to do something.

  17. {{quote-text|en|date=August 1 2012|author=Owen Gibson|publisher=Guardian Unlimited|url=|title=London 2012: rowers Glover and Stanning win Team GB's first gold medal

  18. To place an order for (often a piece of art).

  19. To put into active service.

  20. (quote-journal)

  21. commission (gl)

  22. (l) (gloss)